Intern Reviews

Intern Reviews

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“Sono sempre stato molto attratto dalla cultura asiatica e quella cinese, volevo fare un po’ di un’ esperienza lavorativa significativa. Pendo che il valore aggiunto di fare un porogramma di stage di CRCC Asia è prima di tutto un fatto di ambientazione. CRCC Asia mi ha fornito di un supporto eccezionale. Le aziende con cui CRCC Asia collabora sono tutte aziende di cui CRCC Asia si è assicurata della loro serietà e del loro valore dal punto di vista fomativo. Penso che quest’esperienza ha avuto un’ impatto molto significativo sul mio futuro.”

“In Shanghai my internship was at a logistics firm, working within the relocations service department. I helped built their internal operations manual for the relocation services.”

“I was afraid the work would be simple – but it ended up being very engaging. I finished the manual for the relocation services, so I also worked on a relocation services packet – these get given to families moving to the cities that help them adapt.”

“The experience that I got here was definitely useful to my career. I wasn’t sure what to expect but I definitely got a lot of experience of how business is conducted internationally. I definitely think it was rewarding – I would do it again.”

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