Intern Reviews

Intern Reviews

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To complete my masters I had to intern in a company for at least 2 months. I was living in Spain, I am originally from Brazil, and I had finished my Masters in Marketing in Madrid. The situation in the EU was really bad at the time, thus, it wasn’t ideal for me to return to Brazil.

I started talking to friends in class to see what they were all going to do, one of my closest friends form Costa Rica told me that he found a website with internships in Shanghai: CRCC Asia. I thought he was crazy to do that, and he didn’t make a strong case for his decision. Months passed and I hadn’t found a proper place to work, so I changed my mind and thought an internship in Shanghai, China could be really interesting to do culturally and to gain some experience.

Right now I am working with Google SEO and SEM in Brazil, so I have to thank my internship for the developments in my professional career.

In the absence of anything better to do over the summer holidays (well, not really a holiday now that I’m graduating from my MA programme and definitively and conclusively leaving the world of education behind!), I applied for CRCC Asia’s inaugural scholarship for a student with a disability on a whim over the Christmas break. Although being accepted onto the programme was a complete shock, it’s definitely one of the best things I’ve ever done.

CRCC Asia supported me throughout this whole experience, and I can honestly say that I felt completely safe in Shanghai. They made everything so simple: visa processing, airport pick-up and accommodation. I would definitely recommend an internship in Shanghai, China!

Il tempo vola a Shanghai, non sembra vero che siano già passati tre mesi da quando il personale di CRCC Asia mi ha accolto all’aeroporto Pu Dong di Shanghai.

Adesso che sono giunto al termine della mia esperienza, torno in Italia più ricco sotto tanti punti di vista:
lingua cinese, esperienza di lavoro, e nuove conoscenze sparse per il mondo.

Grazie a questa costante attività di networking, tornerò presto a Shanghai per iniziare a lavorare, ritrovando altri ragazzi venuti a Shanghai con CRCC Asia e con i quali si è instaurato un bellissimo rapporto, fondamentale quando si resta per un po’ di tempo lontano da casa e dalla propria comfort zone.

Dunque, ritengo che l’esperienza con CRCC ASIA sia un’ ottima occasione per mettersi alla prova e per trovare nuove opportunità di crescita.

Infine aggiungo che per chi vuole dare il meglio di sé non solo in ufficio, ma anche quando si stacca dal lavoro…la nightlife di Shanghai è davvero il massimo!

Mi estancia en Shanghai fue sin duda una experiencia increíble tanto a nivel profesional, pues las prácticas que realicé en una asesoría financiera han supuesto claramente un impulso a mi carrera y empleabilidad, como personal, pues tuve la oportunidad de conocer a gente maravillosa de muy distintas partes del mundo y empaparme de una cultura tan rica y fascinante como la china. Por no hablar del equipo de CRCC: amables, atentos y siempre disponibles para cualquier cosa que necesites.

Recomendaría sinceramente esta experiencia a todo aquel que se lo esté planteando, pues yo me alegro inmensamente de haberme decidido finalmente a embarcarme en ella.

I accidentally stumbled upon CRCC Asia on the internet after searching for a Mandarin language course in the UK. Immediately I was hooked on the idea of going to China to learn so I decided to sign up to the two month language course they provide in association with Mandarin House. What I ended up experiencing was not just a language education, but also an insight into another culture which I quickly became addicted to. My experience with CRCC Asia ended up influencing my aspirations as I now am keen to pursue a career in China.

Overall I am glad that I found CRCC Asia, they provided an experience that has been fascinating, enjoyable, personally enriching and has shown me the career opportunities that China has to offer. I would recommend this course to anyone, it looks great on your CV and with a lot of the admin handled by CRCC Asia you can make the most of your time out there. I can’t wait to return to China!

China is not for the faint-hearted, but if you like adventure, it is definitely the place to be! My first experience of the country was through a summer school in Shanghai three years ago and I was instantly captured by the excitement and fast-pace of life. As soon as I had finished my studies, I had to return. This time it was to Beijing and to the world of work.

Overall, it was an intense but incredible two months of internship in Beijing that I will never forget!

Ya hará casi un mes que he vuelto de Shanghai, y con este tiempo he podido valorar mejor mi estancia y la experiencia. He podido valorar todo lo que el viaje te proporciona en tu presente y en tu futuro.

Para concluir, decir que ha sido una de las aventuras más grandes que he vivido hasta el momento, y que me ha proporcionado muchas cosas que me servirán en un futuro. Si tuviera que dar algún consejo a alguien, le diría que fuera “open minded”, que vaya con muchas ganas y que no se cierre en sí mismo. Que conozca a gente, que vaya más allá en el trabajo y no se limite a hacer lo que el supervisor le proponga, y que visite la ciudad en sus ratos libres. De esta forma esa persona se lo pasaría tan bien como me lo he pasado yo.

Este mes en Beijing ha sido una experiencia increíble. A nivel profesional, he aprendido muchísimo y he aprendido de un mercado que no conocía, que es el de impresión en 3D. Esta experiencia me ha hecho conocer muchísima gente y me llevo muy buenos amigos.

Es fascinante vivir allí y empaparte de la cultura China y ver las grandes diferencias que hay con Europa.

Ir a Beijing con CRCC Asia ha sido una decisión de la que no me voy a arrepentir nunca. Los miembros de CRCC han sido súper amables y siempre están disponibles para todo.

Recomiendo a todo el mundo vivir esta experiencia, sin duda.

Ni hao,

Mi experiencia durante julio y agosto de 2013 en China ha sido un poco distinta al resto. Para empezar hice el Business & Finance Course, y luego me aventuré a viajar por este inmenso país durante tres semanas para acabar haciendo una internship en Shanghai.

Por último, comentar y animar a todo el que vaya que lo haga con los ojos abiertos, que no prejuzgue desde la visión occidental, que pruebe de todo y que no deje que la noche termine pronto. El networking es vital en China y gran parte de ello sucede durante una cena o tomando una cerveza. Vive intensamente y viaja tanto como puedas a lo largo de este país asiático.

Me fui de China queriendo volver pronto. Pasar una larga temporada. Hacer negocios en ese país de oportunidades. Sin duda, esta experiencia me facilitará muchísimo las cosas.

Zhu ni haoyun! (Good luck!)

Ho preso in considerazione il China Intership Program di CRCC Asia perché univa in un’unica esperienza i miei maggiori interessi: l’opportunità di studiare la lingua cinese e approfondire le mie conoscenze nel settore Food & Beverage in uno dei miglior resort 5 stelle di tutto il mondo. Nonostante abbia lavorato solo tre mesi presso il Ritz Carlton Hong Kong Resort, ho potuto sviluppare nuove competenze e acquisire professionalità sia dal punto di vista lavorativo sia nel rapporto interpersonale con colleghi di cultura diversa da quella occidentale.

Ho incominciato a nutrire molto interesse per la cultura cinese, le persone e le loro tradizioni. Essere a contatto quotidianamente con una realtà completamente diversa da quella a cui siamo abituati permette di allargare gli orizzonti e cercare sempre più di integrarsi. Penso proprio ritornerò a Hong Kong per continuare l’esperienza che ho incominciato con CRCC Asia.

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