Intern Reviews

Intern Reviews

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What is your name, age, educational background, and professional industry?
My name is Stacey Giunta, I am 20 years old and I am currently a fourth year student at the University of Western Australia. I’m studying Law and Arts, with a major in French.

What program are you doing with CRCC Asia?
I am doing the one-month Internship in Beijing, China. I am interning at a law firm.

Do you have any final impressions of CRCC Asia that you would like to add?

So far, my experience of interning in Beijing would not have been possible without the guidance, organisation and reassurance that CRCC has provided. The team have surpassed my expectations and I would recommend everyone considering travelling to China for an internship to go with CRCC!

My experience in China through CRCC’s Internship program was personally, professionally and culturally rewarding and I would highly recommend that anyone travel to China through the program. I met groups of wonderful people not only from China, but from all over the world through personal and professional networking while having my internship in Beijing.

CRCC Asia provided extremely comfortable accommodations and support throughout the program. The apartments and living arrangements were top notch and were in close proximity to all forms of transportation (ie trains and cabs) that made travel around the city extremely easy and convenient.

I greatly thank CRCC Asia for providing me the opportunity to experience something I know I will not only ever forget, but will benefit from both personally and professionally throughout my lifetime.

Essendo in procinto di laurearmi in International Business & Finance presso l’Università degli Studi di Bergamo, sentivo la necessità di potenziare le mie conoscenze teoriche con una esperienza reale nel mondo del lavoro, per accrescere sia esperienza che know how. Ovviamente la mia preferenza riguardava la possibilità di poter operare in contesti internazionali, quindi con maggior interesse per l’ambiente estero. Grazie alla mia Università sono venuto a conoscenza della possibilità di svolgere un periodo di tre mesi di stage in Cina con CRCC Asia, presso realtà aziendali locali ed internazionali, al fine di accrescere le mie esperienze lavorative ed il mio bagaglio di competenze.

Per concludere, l’esperienza che CRCC Asia offre ai candidati un ventaglio di opportunità enorme per arricchirsi personalmente.

Dopo svariati periodi di studio trascorsi in Germania e negli Stati Uniti, decisi che era arrivata l’ora di imbarcarmi in un’esperienza lavorativa sempre all’estero, ma del tutto nuova. In procinto di laurearmi in International Business and Finance presso l’Università degli Studi di Bergamo e vista la mia propensione all’internazionalizzatione, la mia preferenza riguardava un periodo di tirocinio all’estero nell’ambito dell’international business, così da poterlo collegare al tema della mia futura tesi.

Per concludere, CRCC Asia offre un’esperienza davvero unica che ti arrichisce non solo a livello lavorativo, che è appunto lo scopo del programma, ma anche a livello culturale, in quanto ti apre la mente e ti cambierà per sempre la vita!

Joining CRCC Asia’s internship program was one of my best decisions ever made as I met groups of wonderful people not only from China, but from all over the world through personal acquaintances and professional networking event.

The professional experience I gained in Shanghai was beyond anything I could have gained even though it was only for a short two months. I worked for a wealth management company. They provide financial planning solutions tailored to private clients especially expatriates. I was responsible for various telemarketing tasks, including searching for contacts from Spanish Chamber and UK expatriates.

In conclusion, I managed to meet and make so many great friends from all over the world that I am still in contact with to this day using WeChat. My internship in Shanghai, China was better than I could have ever hoped for and I certainly plan to return there one way or the other in the near future.

It has been only two weeks since my return from China and for every day spent back here, in London, I have been missing China. I really miss having dumplings in the morning or Beijing style crispy wraps from someone that we interns started calling “The Pancake Man”. Although our Mandarin is not good enough to converse, we managed to build a relationship with these sellers as we would be greeted with familiarity and they would know exactly what we want. It was a wonderful way to start one’s mornings.

Towards the end of my internship in Shenzhen, I was allowed to take the last week off for travelling. The internship provided a great excuse to do some travelling and explore the rest of China. It was a wonderful internship and holiday in that way.

Dopo essermi laureata in discipline della mediazione linguistica ho deciso che per perfezionare il mio cinese avrei dovuto vivere direttamente in Cina per un certo periodo di tempo. Navigando in rete alla ricerca di qualcosa che facesse al caso mio mi sono imbattuta nei programmi di CRCC Asia, mi sono informata e dopo poco ho deciso di partire… mai scelta fu più giusta! Già da prima della partenza lo staff si è dimostrato disponibile e cortese nel fornirmi qualsiasi informazione di cui necessitassi.

Al di fuori dell’ambiente lavorativo ho conosciuto persone altrettanto fantastiche, sono nate amicizie forti, difficili da dimenticare. Mi sono potuta confrontare con realtà completamente differenti dalla mia e questo mi ha aiutata a crescere non solo professionalmente ma anche a livello umano. Grazie ancora a tutti voi!!

CRCC gives you a tremendous opportunity to intern at an established company while exploring all that Shanghai has to offer. During my internship in Shanghai at a consulting firm I was challenged with numerous projects that enhanced my analytical and communication skills. I was in charge of researching management consulting firms in the North American regions and compile data on financial performance, ownership, and their ability to establish a successful business in China. Also I developed the company’s international investors database with over 120 new clients. Lastly, I maintained the company’s public presence through Chinese and American media mediums.

Future CRCC interns should know that while interning in your respective city, you will also learn about Shanghai’s culture, language and have the ability to observe China’s growth as an emerging market economy.

I cannot begin to describe how wonderful my experience was! I interned for an international chamber of commerce in Shanghai and quickly realised that a 1 month internship was definitely not enough. Unfortunately due to time constraints I wasn’t able to extend but that month was absolutely unforgettable.

Working was an incredibly rewarding and satisfying experience. My colleagues welcomed me warmly and quickly integrated me into the team. I was given a number of tasks ranging from statistical data analysis, organising Business Networking Events to creating the Board Member’s Handbook, all of which significantly assisted me in building and further honing my technical and soft skills.

Having international experience is a great way of distinguishing the CV from amongst hundreds of potential candidates. I am sure that when the time comes for me to apply for graduate positions, my internship in Shanghai at CanCham and the skills I gained will give me a competitive edge.

Sono arrivata un mese fa a Shanghai e già dal primo momento mi sono resa conto che un mese non sarebbe bastato. E oggi, a un paio di giorni dalla mia partenza, la sensazione è esattamente la stessa.

Ho lavorato in un ufficio legale che si chiama ALLSTAR International e mi sono trovata molto bene. I colleghi sono stati gentili –anche se all’inizio fanno un po’ fatica a dare confidenza- e ho scoperto molte cose interessanti. Gli avvocati internazionali mi hanno fatto partecipare ai meeting e anche a un paio di business dinner grazie a cui ho avuto modo di conoscere più da vicino certe dinamiche di affari. Ho svolto attività abbastanza varie, ricerche, meeting, revisione di contratti e nelle ultime settimane ho aiutato due ragazzi cinesi a preparare l’interview per una scuola americana. L’ambiente è stato stimolante e sereno.

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