Beijing Generation UK Programme | Legal Internship in Beijing

Legal Internship in Beijing with Ana Maria

Legal Internship in Beijing | Ana-Maria – British Council Generation UK Programme


What is your current role on your Legal Internship in Beijing?

Equity Research Assistant/Paralegal at a boutique, independent equity research firm.


In what way did your internship abroad influence your journey after you returned home?

Whilst working in Beijing, I developed a strong interest in businesses and stocks, and started broadening my skills to encompass the full investment life cycle. Gaining a basic understanding of numerous legal documents (particularly in commercial law) and investment theories has helped me to support analysts with their stock coverage and various value-added projects.


If somebody asked whether your Legal Internship in Beijing was worth it, how would you respond?

Definitely – yes! The world is your oyster, and an internship abroad can not only help you realize your interests and passions, but it can develop you as an individual. Being totally immersed in a different culture can be tough – but I learned so much about independence, myself, and my values that I could never have learned just staying in the UK.


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Interested in the British Council’s Generation UK Programme or a general Legal Internship in Beijing? Head over to our CRCC Asia and British Council Generation UK application portal to find out more about the programme.