Shaun Butcher

21st January 2019
SOAS CRCC Asia internship programme parternship

CRCC Asia forms new partnership with SOAS, University of London

  CRCC Asia has formed a new partnership SOAS, University of London to provide students with an 8-week intern abroad experience in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam […]
7th February 2018
Theresa May CRCC Asia Contribute to UK-China Relations

CRCC Asia’s contribution to UK-China relations

CRCC Asia’s CEO Daniel Nivern comments on the recent visit to China by the UK’s Prime Minster Theresa May and CRCC Asia’s contribution to UK-China relations […]
3rd January 2018

Lindsay Buchanan | Alumni Story

  “I got more out of my Shanghai experience than I had imagined. I have realised how crucial culture exchange is in your own personal development […]
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