
31st July 2018
intern-in-china- Kara Leckinger

Alumni Story | Kara Leckinger

“I worked on a start-up AI/blockchain project!” Kara Leckinger is a rising Junior at Miami University (Ohio) studying Information Systems and Analytics with a minor in […]
14th July 2018

Alumni Story | Jiani Xu

“You can surprise yourself!” Jiani Xu, a graduate of Biomedical Science from the University of Auckland, flew to Shanghai in March to complete her CRCC Asia […]
30th April 2018
Interning in Beijing with CRCC Asia CRCC Asia trip to the Beiing hutongs

Interning in Beijing with CRCC Asia: Myth vs. Reality

It’s easy to feel a little apprehensive before embarking on an internship in Beijing. Maybe you’ve heard it will be complicated, or take forever to organise. […]
19th April 2018
Photo by Breather on Unsplash

Five things you REALLY ought to do on your first day

Thinking of undertaking an international Internship Program? Here at CRCC Asia, we’ve come up with some top tips for a successful first day at your placement! […]
5th April 2018
dumpling making in Shanghai

Dumpling Making in Shanghai

A CRCC Asia Program is much more than an internship. Our International Internship Programs include the chance for you to really engage with your Program Location […]
28th March 2018
Colloquium on New Frontiers in Global Education held at Washington.

CRCC Asia attends inaugural Colloquium on New Frontiers in Global Education

Our University Relations Manager, Jillian Low, attended the inaugural Colloquium on New Frontiers in Global Education held at Washington and Lee’s Center for Global Education last […]
22nd March 2018
Simon Interning in Shanghai

Alumni Story | Simon

Simon took part in our Shanghai Internships Program in 2014. After having graduated with a degree in Business and Mathematics at the University of Augsburg, Simon […]
14th March 2018
Laura Intern Influencer

Laura | Alumni Story

Laura took part in the CRCC Asia Internship Program in Shanghai back in 2013. She was in charge of customer acquisition across Europe as well as […]
2nd March 2018
China is Now event 2018 - crcc asia

#China is Now Event 2018