International Internships with CRCC Asia

CRCC Asia is the leading global provider of internships abroad. Our global Internship Programs offer one, two, and three-month international internship programs in Japan,  Vietnam, and South Korea, and a perfect for those soon to be seeking employment and who wish to gain competitive advantage in today’s highly competitive job markets. Our award-winning programs will help you genuinely stand out from the crowd and ultimately boost your global employability. See here for more of the phenomenal benefits of interning abroad.

Find everything you’ll need to start your internship abroad below.

Find out how to intern abroad with us

International Internship Program Locations

How to Earn Academic Credit During Your CRCC Asia Internship Read Blog Make Your Decade a Success With a Ten-year Plan Read Blog Lifeline of Mumbai: What the City’s Trains Mean to its People Read Blog {{title}} Read Blog Could an International Internship experience define your decade? Read Blog Top 10 Biggest Culture Shocks in China and How to Avoid Them Read Blog How to Get The Most Out of The Programme Read Blog Psychology Internships: How to Apply your Skills in Various Industries Read Blog What is a Career Field? Read Blog What you can get out of your GenUK Internship Read Blog Alumni Thought Piece: Sustainability in China Read Blog Life After College? Intern Abroad! Read Blog Five Reasons to Intern in Mumbai Read Blog Top 10 Reasons to Intern in Seoul Read Blog Internship in India: Why Mumbai is the Right Choice for You Read Blog

  • Lien Tran
    "You guys gave me a perfect match. I really enjoyed meeting the different students from different cultures. I hope I can have a similar pairing for the next term!"
    Lien Tran
  • GaEun Kim
    While engaging with friends who weren't well-acquainted with Korean culture, I learned a lot in new and different ways. I found myself questioning the things that I took for granted and this experience shattered some preconceptions, broadening my perspective. Additionally, I appreciated the opportunity to exchange different lifestyles with my foreign friends, which was a valuable aspect of this program.
    GaEun Kim
  • YoonBi Lee
    I applied for a program to introduce Korean culture to my foreign friends, and I learned a lot about the history and culture of Korea while participating. Initially, it was challenging to engage in English conversations, but now I feel more confident, and I believe my English skills have improved compared to when I started. It's been a rewarding experience!
    YoonBi Lee
  • JiWon Yoon
    Taking part in this program was an incredible chance for me to dive into the stories shared by international interns. It helped me better understand the ways of life of people living on the other side of the world. The unique perspectives of the interns were like treasures, helping me uncover a wide range of details that I hadn't known before.
    JiWon Yoon
  • ChaeWon Yoo
    After returning from my exchange student experience, I didn't have many opportunities to use English, but this program allowed me to consistently engage in English conversations for two months while having fun with my foreign friends. Witnessing my friends embrace and adapt to a new culture encouraged me to open my heart even wider, and I learned a lot from the experience. Even after the program ended, I've kept in touch with my friends and maintained those connections. Making friends with foreigners in Korea isn't easy, so this program has been a fantastic way for me to regularly use and improve my English. I'm looking forward to participating in it again in the future!
    ChaeWon Yoo
  • Tram Vi
    You guys gave me a perfect match. I really enjoyed meeting the different students from different cultures. I hope I can have a similar pairing for the next term!
    Tram Vi
  • Lam Bui
    Being an introvert myself has always been a difficulty to getting to know someone first hand. However, with the support of other interns at CRCC Asia's events, I was able to speak out more and gradually get along with new people.My listening and speaking skills definitely improved a lot, I got the chance to learn different things about different cultures and figured out more interesting facts about my culture as well. I think I love the experience with these people here.
    Lam Bui
  • Dinh Mai
    First of all, it was an outstanding experience for me this summer as I met so many new friends, from different countries, different cultures. We got so many good time together, which were memorable. Secondly, I can see my communication skill is improving, especially in English. Last but not least, it was also my first time to spend my time meaningfully:)) in an international working environment. In general, it was such a great opportunity for me to at the same time do what I like and spend quality time with quality people.
    Dinh Mai
  • "My Admission Advisor and some of the rest of the team, were extremely helpful when I had any queries. Even though they said slow responses on the weekends, they always got back to me quickly when I had any worries/queries. Great team"

    Read more Intern Reviews

    Architecture, Sheffield Hallam University, Seoul Program 2022
  • Natasha W

    "In a world that is becoming increasingly inter-dependent, it would be a crime to pass up an opportunity to experience diversity at its finest. I feel that this internship abroad has given me the competitive edge to thrive in a depressing economic society. I learned how working collectively is just as fundamentally important as working individually. I developed extensive market research techniques and methods that are dynamically feasible in any industry. I strengthened my sense of leadership by crafting the initial stages for a new organization within my company. Not to mention, I’ve developed long lasting friendships from across the world.

    Easily, the most enjoyable part of my experience was comparing life stories with colleagues while discovering many types of delicious Chinese food and exploring Beijing.

    No other internship experience that I’ve participated has left me with a great sense of inter-cultural awareness and that has prepared me for a graduate program and career in communications. My internship experience in China proves to be invaluable since the skills that I’ve acquired are intangible to my competitors and exclusive to my knowledge.

    The sagacious thing about CRCC internships abroad is that you’re surrounded by diverse students from all over the world in a beautiful city that welcomes visitors of all kinds. After completing my internship, I feel a greater connection to the world at large and equipped to enter a world of diverse magnitude."

    Read more Intern Reviews

    Natasha W
    Marketing, PR & Advertising, Beijing, East-West University
  • Onyema U

    "Participating in the CRCC Asia China Finance Internship Abroad program was a highly fascinating, stimulating and rewarding experience! I really enjoyed every single bit of my first ever experience in Beijing! From exciting and memorable site-seeing adventures, to mouth-watering Chinese cuisines and jaw-dropping acrobatic shows. The programme was packed with lots of fun!

    Above all, I learnt so much about China’s financial and economic development, engaged in Chinese business skills workshop and networked with market-leading professionals from various financial sector. A particular highlight for me was going on a site visit to Taikang Life (one of China’s major insurance companies) and observing the daily operations of the company’s risk management team. What was truly remarkable about the China Finance Course was the fact that other participants came from diverse academic background with varying level of financial knowledge and different areas of interest within the financial sector; this created a wonderful platform for us to share valuable and interesting views about finance in general. In deed, this internship abroad has greatly strengthened my passion for international finance and corporate work!"

    Read more Alumni Testimonials

    Onyema U
    Finance & Accounting, Beijing
  • Shaun Radgowski

    "My internship abroad with CRCC Asia was not only a valuable professional experience, but also an enlightening opportunity to see life in a different corner of the world. I was fortunate enough to work for a small environmental company in Shanghai, which finally enabled me to feel like I was making a difference in a field that I cared about. I conducted research, wrote reports, assisted with translations, prepared company contracts, and collaborated on a number of other company projects, all of which undoubtedly helped me prepare for a career in the 21st century. I would highly recommend this experience!"

    Read more Alumni Testimonials

    Shaun Radgowski
    Green Technology, Shanghai, Yale University
  • Kara Leckinger

    "I gained so much knowledge and life experience being part of the Shanghai Internship program through CRCC Asia. I always dreamed of coming to China and I started studying Chinese in high school. I was fortunate to have the opportunity to combine my travel in China with a professional internship program that gave me depth and knowledge about Chinese business.I worked for a blockchain company founded in China. Specifically, I worked on a start-up AI/blockchain project providing verification and authorization technologies for the second-hand luxury goods market. I worked on a variety of projects including writing use cases, researching and writing media publications, providing analysis for the financial token sale, meeting with investors and team members, and working closely with marketing/social media channels.I worked directly under CMO and Co-Founder, who taught me so much about Chinese business and skills for success. I had a fantastic experience at my host company and developed what I know will be lasting relationships with my co-workers. I developed an advanced skill set I can apply to future jobs including problem solving, business and data analysis, communication, and writing skills.In addition to my work experience in Shanghai, I took advantage of the opportunity to travel and explore China. I visited several highlights around Shanghai and took several weekend trips outside of the city. I took the high-speed train to Beijing, flew to Xi’an, and took the train to Suzhou, Zhouzhuang, Hangzhou, Nanjing, and Zhuji. Each trip was amazing and expanded my cultural and world knowledge. I did my own research and preparation (including finding hotels, trains, flights, tours, restaurants etc.) and mainly traveled by myself to all these sites.Navigating a city or new culture by myself was a little scary at first but became a new norm and exciting experience. I gained a significant amount of self-confidence and awareness from my travels. I stepped outside of my comfort zone to interact with those I would not have before, navigated foreign places, and had things not always go my way.All my trips were incredibly rewarding experiences and I would not have done anything differently! Some of my favorite memories were a City Wall bike ride and viewing the Terracotta Warriors in Xi’an, going to Shanghai Disneyland (2 times!), a canal boat ride in Zhouzhuang, walking along the Great Wall in Beijing, and seeing the Songcheng Romantic Show in Hangzhou. The friendly and knowledgeable staff at CRCC was always available to provide advice on travel plans or any and every question I sent their way!I highly recommend this type of program for anyone interested in experiencing China while gaining cultural immersion in the workplace. Of course, it was a little nerve wracking to arrive in a foreign place and experience a new living situation, new food, new people, and a foreign culture and language. My advice is to take advantage of seeing as many new things as you can and meet many new people. Just say “yes” to new experiences and don’t look back!"

    Kara Leckinger
    Business, Shanghai, Miami of Ohio
  • David Blankenship

    "The months approaching my two month summer internship in Shanghai were filled with questions, Is this the right decision? Will I be able to handle it? And worst of all, will I regret it? Even with only one week left, I still find myself stopping and reflecting on the fact that I am currently in China, I am interning with a Russian clothing company, and that I am enjoying the experience more than I ever thought I could. During my time here I have seen, tried and learned more things than I even know at this moment, and I honestly believe it will be years until I can fully process, appreciate, and understand the impact this short two months will have on my life. I also feel it is important to add that nothing is all sunshine and rainbows, China can be an unsettling place. Despite that, those experiences have taught me the most and helped me grow as a person, both in the professional work environment and in my personal relationships. I can’t begin to thank Miami University enough for providing me the opportunity and helping me out along the way, and CRCC Asia for setting up my internship and getting me settled in."

    David Blankenship
    Marketing, PR & Advertising, Shanghai, Miami of Ohio
  • Haley Temple-Donovan

    "The international internship organized by CRCC Asia was a transformative experience. My placement was an incredible opportunity to develop new skills relevant to my field of study, Global and International Politics. I was delighted to complete my NGO/Charity internship at an embassy in Beijing, which enabled me to shape and advance my professional career.My role at the embassy gave me a first-hand experience of international diplomacy. Most importantly, CRCC Asia organized cultural events, business seminars, and weekly Mandarin lessons to facilitate a balance between my work and social life in China. I would like to thank CRCC Asia for their unwavering support throughout my internship. I highly recommend CRCC Asia for students who are interested in international internships and placements."

    Haley Temple-Donovan
    NGOs, Charities & Not for Profit, Beijing, Carleton University
  • Kara L

    "I gained so much knowledge and life experience being part of the Shanghai Internship program through CRCC Asia. I always dreamed of coming to China and I started studying Chinese in high school. I was fortunate to have the opportunity to combine my travel in China with a professional internship program that gave me depth and knowledge about Chinese business. I completed an internship at a leading AI/Blockchain company in Shanghai. I developed an advanced skill set I can apply to future jobs including problem solving, business and data analysis, communication, and writing skills. In addition, I visited several highlights around Shanghai and took several weekend trips outside of the city. I took the high-speed train to Beijing, flew to Xi’an, and took the train to Suzhou, Zhouzhuang, Hangzhou, Nanjing, and Zhuji. Each trip was amazing and expanded my cultural and world knowledge. I highly recommend this type of program for anyone interested in experiencing China while gaining cultural immersion in the workplace. Of course, it was a little nerve wracking to arrive in a foreign place and experience a new living situation, new food, new people, and a foreign culture and language. My advice is to take advantage of seeing as many new things as you can and meet many new people. Just say “yes” to new experiences and don’t look back! I have developed many long-lasting relationships while in China and will treasure the memories from my travel adventures in this beautiful country."

    Kara L
    Business, Shanghai, Miami University (Ohio)
  • Alice G

    "My internship 100% affected everything – I am doing my dissertation on the luxury market in China. I gained a huge insight working at Christie’s with my primary research being aided by my colleagues from there. If I hadn’t done this internship, I would know which direction to be heading in. I worked at Christie’s Auction House and was directly involved in all aspects of the one of their biannual auctions. Work tasks included implementation of the auction, PR, advertising and being knowledgeable about the works of art, their expected value and the price they actually sold for.”

    Alice G
    Marketing, PR & Advertising, Shanghai, University of the Arts London 
  • Amber Bass

    "Interning abroad through CRCC Asia has taught me the importance of networking and being able to sell myself as an asset. Therefore, one of the most important aspects of the experience was my ability to build a professional network of contacts all over Shenzhen as well as other parts of China. Efficiently leveraging this network will help me during my post-graduation career search. Though I may decide not to seek a career in China, many of my new network contacts have other connections all over the world. So, doors may be opened to things and places I never dreamed possible."

    Amber Bass
    Marketing, PR & Advertising, Shenzhen, University of Oregon
  • Abodunrin Akinfenwa

    "CRCC Asia provided me with the opportunity of a lifetime and I will forever be grateful. Working in Tokyo was a wonderful, indescribable experience I will always remember and cherish. The team on ground are very helpful with providing support and events for all the interns. Especially considering how small the team is.My host company was very great as well. They treated me with the utmost respect, gave me a considerable amount of responsibility and made every day I worked there a day to remember. I honestly do not think I could have had a better internship experience anywhere."

    Abodunrin Akinfenwa
    Marketing, PR & Advertising, Tokyo, Swansea University
  • Tyler Israel

    "It was a really great experience and also one to learn about what it will be like in a new workplace. Often you are not going to just get the dream job that you want right off the bat. It will be a while before you find the place that’s right for you and it is a great time to learn about where you think you fit in. I would definitely recommend this Program to anyone who is looking for travel and also practical experience in a foreign workplace. In an environment such as Shanghai you are going to get to experience some amazing tourist attractions, while also getting a chance to fit into a new culture and society. It is a great thing for resumes too and people will want to see all of the knowledge you have gotten from traveling abroad."

    Tyler Israel
    Travel & Tourism, Shanghai, University of Utah
  • Hannah Dang

    "Interning in Tokyo with the help of CRCC Asia has been an incredible experience that cannot be missed. The full support from the CRCC Asia team has make this international internship easier and more enjoyable. This internship definitely pushed me out of my comfort zone and allowed me to explore the limits of nature by exceeding expectations. I was able to demonstrate my intellectual ambitions- as a consultant, a data analyst, a market researcher- with the opportunities this internship has presented to me. I have gained so much from this trip: resilience, self-confidence, cultural understanding, and transferable skills. It has been a steep and thrilling learning curve and definitely a major step towards fulfilling my career aspirations. Working in a global environment has been a challenging yet rewarding experience and will definitely give me a competitive edge in today’s job market."

    Hannah Dang
    Marketing, PR & Advertising, Tokyo,University of Michigan
  • Steve Beattie

    "Through CRCC, I was able to gain experience in a Chinese IT company. The company itself has seen huge success offering blockchain and cryptocurrency related services, and the department that I was placed in offered me the opportunity to gain meaningful development experience in this dynamic new field!As a result, I’m walking away from this experience able to come back to live and work in China, and utilize the skills in data science and machine learning that I continued to develop this summer!"

    Steve Beattie
    Finance & Accounting, Shanghai, University of Michigan
  • Anna Lin

    "My internship in Shanghai, China has been enlightening. I was in the HR department, which gave me a chance to practice my language and interpersonal skills. I really liked the fact that I could communicate with people in Chinese and interact with professionals from various cities. If I can go back to this internship or work there for long-term, I would in a heartbeat. I wish I had more time with the organization to fully understand and immerse myself in my second home."

    Anna Lin
    NGOs, Charities & Not for Profit, Shanghai, Michigan State University
  • Julia Yanowitz

    "If I could tell anyone one thing it would be: study abroad. I decided to travel and intern in Beijing, China because I wanted to go somewhere unique and put myself in an environment I was unfamiliar with. I got all of that and more. After spending my entire summer in China I am leaving with networking skills, new knowledge of the foreign sector of marketing, having attended embassy events, and with an overall appreciation and infatuation with China."

    Julia Yanowitz
    Media & Creative Industries, Beijing, University of Florida
  • Zac Sippel

    "Thanks so much for CRCC Asia’s help this past month, you guys do a really amazing job making us feel so comfortable and confident here. It’s been great getting to know the team and it’s making me want to look into work opportunities with CRCC Asia after uni! Glad we’re just only halfway there!"

    Zac Sippel
    Business, Manchester, University of Oregon
  • Adam B

    “The experience that I got here was definitely useful to my career. I wasn’t sure what to expect but I definitely got a lot of experience of how business is conducted internationally. I definitely think it was rewarding – I would do it again.”

    Adam B
    Logistics, Shanghai, George Washington University
  • Errol P

    "My internship in Shanghai has also influenced me to direct my career path towards sales and marketing – a long way away from my science background. Since returning to Melbourne, I have also decided to undertake formal education to learning Chinese as a second language for personal development but also to broaden my job opportunities in the future."

    Errol P
    Hospitality, Shanghai, Monash University
  • Luna Terauchi

    "Interning in Tokyo challenged me 24/7 day to night. From trying to nail down my transit routine to adjusting to my workplace, I was always in a hurried state of learning, growing, and adapting. I truly owe my success to my coworkers for being so helpful and patient with me throughout my internship. They treated me as their own, even taking me out to lunch and exploring the city. Looking back at my time in Tokyo, I realize how much I’ve grown as both a professional and global citizen. I’ve gained international working skills and cultural perspectives from simply maneuvering through Tokyo’s dynamic streets. It’s quite impossible to write down everything I’ve learned, but I do know that because of this internship opportunity, I’ve grown to become a more globally aware individual than I was two months ago"

    Luna Terauchi
    Hospitality, Tokyo, University of Michigan
  • Ezimma Nnyagu

    "My time in China was truly an eye opening experience. I was blown away by the country’s breathtaking views, bustling economy, and intimate relationship with technology. China had so much to offer. From hours spent learning about the country’s rich history, cosmetics and health food market trends, and regulatory affairs to days spent trekking and exploring the cities like Hangzhou and Qibao, China has equipped me with a global understanding of international business and regulatory affairs and given countless memories that I will cherish forever. I am a more culturally aware, self-reliant, and communicative person because of the time I spent in Shanghai, China. The experience forced me out of my comfort zone and try things (foods, activities, social settings etc.) that I never considered prior. I encourage all students to take the opportunity to intern abroad. Your life will be changed forever!"

    Ezimma Nnyagu
    Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare, Shanghai, University of Georgia
  • Gregory B

    "The ability to provide first-hand insights to the world’s fastest-growing market has made me more confident moving forward in my career. I recommend CRCC Asia to all of my peers."

    Gregory B
    Finance & Accounting, Beijing, University of Florida
  • Harry C

    "I would certainly never have had the amazing experience I did without the CRCC Asia team and the experience is one I would recommend to anyone without a shadow of doubt."

    Harry C
    Engineering, Shenzhen, University of West England
  • Savia D

    "I found this internship and trip to China very beneficial, both personally and also for experiencing working in an international company. I was able to make some great worldwide contacts while over there. Honestly, life took a bit of getting used to when I got home because it is a stark contrast to how life was in China, but that’s what made China so great. For me the internship I had in China was definitely worth it!"

    Savia D
    Engineering, Beijing, Griffith University
  • Zhen M

    "Studying overseas already, I market myself as international material – my goal and dream is to work internationally. Through this experience, I am learning what this international working environment looks like."

    Zhen M
    Business, Shanghai, Marshall Business School University of Southern California (USC)
  • Bradley D

    The internship has been a really solid experience, with so many things happening in the work place, you really get thrown into the culture and are able to experience everything. To sum it up I’ve had an absolutely amazing time here, doing things that I’ve really enjoyed.

    Bradley D
    Marketing, PR & Advertising, Beijing
  • Richard H

    I learnt a lot of skills that I didn’t have before, and also lots of opportunities for work. I am able to come back and work for my company in the future. I am definitely considering it.”

    Richard H
    Business, Shanghai
  • David K

    "I didn’t really know what to expect from my time in Beijing. However after reflecting on my two months there, I wish it could have lasted a little longer. The internship itself was great because you are exposing yourself to a completely different business culture compared to the western world, and being able to adapt to such an environment is a unique and rewarding experience."

    David K
    Real Estate & Architecture, Beijing
  • James Young

    "CRCC Asia went above and beyond my expectations. From the initial interview stage right up to post departure, CRCC Asia has been an organization with a lot of humanity. They have been able to answer all of my questions and concerns in a timely manner with honesty and genuine interest. They work incredibly hard to help you find work in a relevant industry, get a foothold in a foreign culture and assist you in reaching your personal goals. I easily recommend them."

    James Young
    Real Estate & Architecture, Tokyo
  • Fiona Cheng

    Interning through CRCC was one of the best decisions for me - I was able to improve my Chinese language skills, I made great friends and I have since leveraged this international experience to secure a role in my area of interest...

    Fiona Cheng
    Law, Shanghai
  • Félim Ó Maolmhána

    I would strongly advise anyone considering a CRCC Asia programme to just apply because that is what I did and it was one of the best decisions I made. In Irish we say, "De réir a chéile a thógtar na caisleáin" which loosely translates to "As time passes, castles are built". Time in China flew in and it changed me for the better...

    Félim Ó Maolmhána
    Law, Shenzhen
  • Daniel Pilipczyk

    I chose to do an internship with CRCC Asia as a free elective through my university and I have not been disappointed. If you want to experience a new city in a foreign culture half way around the world and gain some industry relevant skills along the way, then this is the internship for you...

    Daniel Pilipczyk
    Internship Program, Beijing
  • Navin Dhillon

    I was able to immerse myself in a completely different culture, visit exquisite surroundings, and the chance to experience life working for a Chinese law firm was invaluable and will stand me in great stead for my future career...

    Navin Dhillon
    Law, Shenzhen
  • Ryan Moley

    When looking back at my two month internship, it is an experience I will value for the rest of my life. I would highly recommend anyone at university or who has graduated to apply. Experiences like these are valuable and hard to come by...

    Ryan Moley
    Marketing, Generation UK China Programme, Beijing
  • Isabelle Dicks

    For anyone considering international internships with CRCC Asia, I cannot recommend the service enough. You will enhance your CV in ways unimaginable, whilst simultaneously embarking on one of the best experiences of your life...

    Isabelle Dicks
    Green Tech, Beijing, University of Edinburgh
  • Herman Inthuvarman

    I was left inspired by culture, motivated by work and addicted to travelling. The CRCC Asia China Program has given me a positive impact on my professional and personal development...

    Herman Inthuvarman
    Green Tech, Shanghai, University of Derby
  • Andrew Reeves

    The programme has given me lifelong experience, new friends and quality work experience to add to my CV - this will set me apart from my university cohort...

    Andrew Reeves
    Finance, Generation UK China Programme, Shanghai
  • Christine Lisowski

    After searching high and low for the perfect opportunity, I stumbled upon CRCC Asia; I am glad I did! The 2-month language and internship program in Beijing was one of the best experiences I've had! ...  Find out more

    Christine Lisowski
    Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, USA
  • Eleanor Wolverson

    The scholarship seemed a perfect way to combine learning new skills and adventure. Many companies look favourably on internships, and the fact that I undertook an internship in China shows that I have a global outlook ...  Find out more

    Eleanor Wolverson
    Business, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom