Intern Reviews

Intern Reviews

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“My name is Ayushi Sahay and I am a student at the University of Technology Sydney and I am currently in the final year of my Civil and Environmental Engineering degree.

Beijing actually really different, compared to my home I live quite far from the far. Sydney city compared to Beijing city is so different, here in Beijing just around the corner from my apartment there is always something going on. The commute to work alone is completely different to what I am doing back home.

I am currently working with an Architectural firm, my firm designs buildings and shopping centres. They use a computer program called CAD which is really relevant to my degree since we use this software. In my first week they got me to teach the entire company to use this software.

I also assist helping out with other architects and they have really been helping me out teaching me more about CAD software. Back home we design on flat ground whereas here in China there is more difficult terrain to design for so it has been really interesting learning about different design practices in China in comparison to what I have been learning back home in Australia.”

Giovanni Bottazzi del Politecnico di Milano racconta la sua avventura in Cina con il programma di Stage nel settore dell’ingegneria a Shenzhen per tre mesi. Il lavoro durante il suo stage in Cina è stato molto interessante e coinvolgente.

“Andrea frequenta il Master in Ingegneria Energetica presso l’Università di Padova e sta svolgendo un tirocinio nel settore dell’ingegneria della durata di 3 mesi a Shenzhen, con il China Internship Program di CRCC Asia. L’azienda per cui lavora è una social enterprise che produce sistemi di illuminazione che poi distribuisce nei paesi in via di sviluppo o sottosviluppati; Andrea si occupa di un ambito che gli piace molto, cioè il controllo qualità del prodotto finito, per cui deve assicurarsi che il prodotto rispetti gli standard aziendali e mondiali.”

I study Electronic and Computer Engineering, so as part of my degree I have to complete a certain amount of work experience hours. Although I could have found an internship with a company in Australia, I am now entering my fourth and final year of university and decided that I wouldn’t have many free two or more month holidays once I graduated, therefore, I thought that going overseas would be a great experience.

CRCC Asia was very professional and supportive when helping me to find a suitable engineering internship placement. They continuously tried their hardest to answer any question that I may have had, from explaining what I would be doing throughout my internship to showing me the correct forms to fill out for my visa.

The people at the company I was placed at were a mixture of European and Chinese and all were incredibly friendly, I could not have asked for a better placement. They would always invite me to have lunch with them and even showed me around a few parts of Beijing that I may not have seen if it had not been for them.

Another perk in doing an internship in Beijing through CRCC Asia were the other interns that came to Beijing through CRCC as well. This was one of the highlights of my time in Beijing as I met and lived with people from all over the globe. This provided me with people to travel and hang out with.

I chose to undertake a two month internship program as this fitted with the holiday time I had free from University. Staying for two months allowed me to explore so much of Beijing and China that now I feel as though I actually lived in China, rather than just passing through. Having the weekends free from work allowed me to visit the historical aspects of not only Beijing, but also other parts of China. I was lucky enough to visit the Terracotta Warriors in Xi’an, go to the Snow and Ice Festival in Harbin and visit Shanghai.

I found this internship and trip to China very beneficial, both personally and also for experiencing working in an international company. I was able to make some great worldwide contacts while over there. Honestly, life took a bit of getting used to when I got home because it is a stark contrast to how life was in China, but that’s what made China so great. For me the internship I had in China was definitely worth it!

“Un anno fa, amareggiata dalla ricerca vana di un lavoro nel Bel Paese, dove la richiesta del “neolaureato con esperienza” ormai era diventata consuetudine, decisi di partire per l’Oriente – destinazione Shanghai; ovviamente partire per un paese dove nemmeno l’inglese è abbastanza e pretendere di trovare uno stage nel mio settore era un’ utopia, quindi armata di buoni propositi ho cercato su internet se qualcuno poteva “tendermi una mano”, trovando così CRCC Asia.

Orgogliosa del mio bagaglio di esperienze, andai all’iter di selezione, con la presa di coscienza che con la mia formazione, e con ciò che appresi nell’azienda ospitante potevo offrirmi sul mercato del lavoro internazionale ed italiano con la certezza di essere in grado di gestire progetti in team con un’autonomia e con una sicurezza che prima non potevo avere. Forse oggi posso dire che è grazie alla Cina se sono in Accenture!”

Me llamo Héctor Ortega y participé en el Programa de Prácticas de CRCC Asia en Beijing desde Septiembre hasta Noviembre del 2014.

Valorando la experiencia globalmente ha sido increíble, pero he de reconocer que me costó acostumbrarme la primera semana a tanto choque cultural, culinario, vida cotidiana…

La organización siempre estuvo pendiente de nosotros durante la estancia: organizando eventos, excursiones, clases de mandarín… y ayudándonos si teníamos cualquier tipo de problema. Anteriormente, para la tramitación del visado y de toda la documentación necesaria, el personal tanto de Madrid como de Londres ha sido muy amable y cercano.

Os recomiendo a cualquiera que lo lea que se lance a la aventura asiática, estoy seguro que no os defraudará.

Mi sono laureata in Ingegneria Civile, indirizzo Edile presso l’Università degli Studi di Perugia nel Maggio 2010. Dopo la laurea ho lavorato in studi tecnici ed imprese con sede nella mia regione, occupandomi di progettazione per edifici civili ed industriali, strade e sottopassi ferroviari e impianti civili e industriali con l’uso di energie rinnovabili.

Ho trovato in Internet l’offerta di stage proposta da CRCC ed ho inviato il mio CV per la selezione.

Sono tornata in Italia, ma non vedo l’ora di ripartire per la Cina!

Mi nombre es Enric Flor y he estudiado ingeniería mecánica en la Universitat de Girona, gracias a la cual me enteré de los programas de CRCC Asia. En mi caso estoy haciendo el de tres meses de prácticas en una empresa en Shenzhen.

Pero lo que más me gusta es ver a la gente cómo vive, y las costumbres que tienen aquí. Después de dos meses viviendo en China aún estoy viendo cosas que me sorprenden y estoy seguro que el mes que me queda seguiré igual. Personalmente, creo que esto es lo mejor que te puedes llevar de este país, tratar con una cultura y unas tradiciones tan distintas que te hacen ver el mundo con otros ojos y crecer como persona. Es una experiencia que recomiendo a todo el mundo y que dudo que alguien se arrepienta de haber vivido.

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