Intern Reviews

Intern Reviews

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“Ciao a tutti, sono Angela Costella, studio all’ università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia e sono venuta a Pechino per poter migliorare il mio cinese. Il corso intensivo di cinese di CRCC Asia è strutturato in modo ideale: la mia classe, per esempio, è composta da solo 6 studenti, e ciò ci permette di poter interagire continuamente con l’insegnante e tra di noi, di fare continua conversazione e imparare molto velocemente.

Inoltre l’insegnate parla benissimo inglese, utile nel caso in cui non capissimo qualche struttura grammaticale particolare. Ho scelto di partire con CRCC Asia anche perchè è un programma internazionale e ciò fa’si che ci si confronti 24 ore su 24 con interns provenienti da ogni parte del mondo, si apprendano continuamente cose nuove e si parli sempre inglese, il modo migliore per poterlo affinare.”

“Ciao a tutti, mi chiamo Luca Buonaccorsi e sto facendo uno stage a Hong Kong con CRCC Asia nel settore Hospitality per un periodo di tre mesi. In Italia studio presso l’Università degli Studi di Pisa.”

I gained so much knowledge and life experience being part of the Internship in Shanghai through CRCC Asia. I always dreamed of coming to China and I started studying Chinese in high school. I was fortunate to have the opportunity to combine my travel in China with a professional internship program that gave me depth and knowledge about Chinese business.

I worked for a blockchain company founded in China. Specifically, I worked on a start-up AI/blockchain project providing verification and authorization technologies for the second-hand luxury goods market. I worked on a variety of projects including writing use cases, researching and writing media publications, providing analysis for the financial token sale, meeting with investors and team members, and working closely with marketing/social media channels.

I worked directly under CMO and Co-Founder, who taught me so much about Chinese business and skills for success. I had a fantastic experience at my host company and developed what I know will be lasting relationships with my co-workers. I developed an advanced skill set I can apply to future jobs including problem solving, business and data analysis, communication, and writing skills.

In addition to my work experience in Shanghai, I took advantage of the opportunity to travel and explore China. I visited several highlights around Shanghai and took several weekend trips outside of the city. I took the high-speed train to Beijing, flew to Xi’an, and took the train to Suzhou, Zhouzhuang, Hangzhou, Nanjing, and Zhuji. Each trip was amazing and expanded my cultural and world knowledge. I did my own research and preparation (including finding hotels, trains, flights, tours, restaurants etc.) and mainly traveled by myself to all these sites.

Navigating a city or new culture by myself was a little scary at first but became a new norm and exciting experience. I gained a significant amount of self-confidence and awareness from my travels. I stepped outside of my comfort zone to interact with those I would not have before, navigated foreign places, and had things not always go my way.

All my trips were incredibly rewarding experiences and I would not have done anything differently! Some of my favorite memories were a City Wall bike ride and viewing the Terracotta Warriors in Xi’an, going to Shanghai Disneyland (2 times!), a canal boat ride in Zhouzhuang, walking along the Great Wall in Beijing, and seeing the Songcheng Romantic Show in Hangzhou. The friendly and knowledgeable staff at CRCC was always available to provide advice on travel plans or any and every question I sent their way!

I highly recommend this type of program for anyone interested in experiencing China while gaining cultural immersion in the workplace. Of course, it was a little nerve wracking to arrive in a foreign place and experience a new living situation, new food, new people, and a foreign culture and language. My advice is to take advantage of seeing as many new things as you can and meet many new people. Just say “yes” to new experiences and don’t look back!

“Creo que el impacto de trabajar aquí en China va a ser muy positivo. Venir a un continente como Asia y conocer su gente y su cultura te da un punto de diferenciación con respecto a las personas que no han vivido este tipo de experiencia. El ambiente aquí es de buen rollo y colegueo. Voy a echar de menos a mis compañeros de prácticas. Una de las cosas que más me gustan del programa de CRCC Asia es la posibilidad de conocer gente de diferentes partes del mundo. También me parecen muy interesantes las actividades culturales y de caridad que organizan todas las semanas.”

“Ilaria studia Economia all’Università di Verona e sta svolgendo uno stage in Marketing di 3 mesi a Shanghai con il China Internship Program di CRCC Asia. Lavora per una società di marketing che fa da espositore per diversi brand famosi. Nel primo mese di stage Ilaria ha svolto ricerche di mercato volte a capire quali brand sono attivi nel mercato cinese e ad ampliare le collaborazione della...