Intern Reviews

Intern Reviews

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Mi nombre es Luis Galán, vengo de España (Córdoba), he participado con el grupo CRCC Asia y os voy a contar un poco mi experiencia sobre las prácticas que realicé en China.

CRCC Asia te organiza todo estupendamente. Me recogieron en el aeropuerto según llegué, y después me llevaron al apartamento. Éstos están muy bien, son muy nuevos y en el complejo hay un supermercado abierto 24h y atención 24h.

Es una experiencia que hay que vivir. China y Pekín son impresionantes. Puedes visitar muchas cosas, salir por la noche está muy bien, el trabajo está estupendamente, los chinos son muy amigables, todo es muy barato… por lo que si estáis pensando en venir, os recomiendo hacerlo a Pekín.

“My experience with CRCC Asia was an once in a life-time experience. I was placed in Shenzhen which is a beautiful modern city of China. Cultural shock was very apparent, but the CRCC Asia team both on the ground and back in San Francisco were so helpful with adjusting to a different country.

During my time in China, not only was my perspective of international relations broadened, but I was also able to gain real experience internationally to make myself more marketable in a competitive market. I’m thankful for the internship in Shenzhen experience and I hope to travel back to China soon!”

Since I started studying Marketing Management at UWTSD, Swansea I have been fully committed to getting the most out my degree. I wanted to learn as much I could to be well prepared for the highly competitive job market today.

After successfully completing my first year, I decided to make the most of my free time during the summer, and further support my future career by finding a high level internship in Shanghai within my studied subject. I managed to do that in one of the world’s most important economies- China! Now back home, I can honestly say that was one of the best investments I have made!

It has been a meaningful experience, I would certainly recommend China as a great place to gain work experience or undertake an international internship!

China was such a great experience in many ways for me. Before travelling to Shenzhen, I had never travelled to a country where the time difference was more than two hours. I say this first because I never truly realised how something so trivial can have such a drastic impact on your functionality on a day-to-day basis. Thankfully from the get-go, the CEO and founder of the company I was working at, sat me down to let me know that he understood the time it would take in order to adjust to the new environment and tried to ensure that it would be a smooth transition. I’ve never had this problem before so it definitely made me feel welcome and reassured knowing that I was a priority for my employer.

CRCC Asia provided me with an outstanding platform to experience all these things and more through the two month internship in Shenzhen. The program helped me professionally but also gave me a chance to experience the social and cultural side to China.

Mi nombre es Tomás C. Candel, soy de cerca de Barcelona, en España. Estudié Derecho en la Universitat de Girona e hice un Erasmus en la University College London (UCL).

Mis prácticas con CRCC Asia han sido muy buenas, estoy muy contento con ellas. Todos mis compañeros eran chinos, por lo que he aprendido cosas nuevas todos los días. Básicamente, en mi trabajo me he dedicado a llamar a empresas clientes de la compañía, europeas y americanas, para explicarles acerca de las falsificaciones que sufrían aquí en China e intentar solucionar el problema con ellas.

Creo que es muy bueno tener a otros interns en el mismo alojamiento porque así, después del trabajo, podíamos quedar y salir juntos a cenar y demás, por lo que nunca te sientes solo, ni tienes tiempo de aburrirte. Espero seguir en contacto con todos ellos al volver.

Ho deciso di fare uno stage in Cina perché mi sembrava un’ottima opportunità sia per mettere a frutto le conoscenze maturate nell’ambito del mio corso di studi, sia per arricchire il mio curriculum di un’esperienza formativa nel difficile mondo del lavoro di oggi.

Sto svolgendo la mia internship in un esclusivo hotel al centro di Pechino, occupandomi della gestione del front desk e dello sviluppo di alcuni progetti, tra cui la creazione di nuovi menu per la colazione e nuove idee per l’organizzazione di eventi speciali per gli ospiti.

Lo stage con CRCC Asia è certamente un’ottima occasione per mettersi in gioco, per imparare, e per scoprire di più su sé stessi, avendo sempre a disposizione l’aiuto di un’organizzazione seria e professionale che ci segue durante questo percorso.

Ho deciso di intraprendere questa esperienza di stage in Cina per migliorare il mio inglese, perchè sono sempre stata attratta da culture diverse dalla mia e perchè credo che attualmente sia l’unico modo per distinguermi da altri ragazzi che come me hanno concluso il percorso quinquennale universitario. Ovviamente una delle altre ulteriori ragioni è legata all’insegnamento che mi sta dando la permanenza qui, imparare altri metodi di lavoro e conoscere molte persone che diversamente non avrei mai avuto modo di conoscere è sicuramente un valore aggiunto unico.

Spero di essere riuscita a trasmettere tutto il mio entusiasmo!

Mi nombre es Ainhoa y he participado en el programa de CRCC Asia durante un mes en Pekín, en la modalidad de medios de comunicación e industrias creativas. La experiencia ha sido increíble tanto a nivel formativo como personal. He podido descubrir una cultura y un país nuevos para mí y trabajar en una empresa china. En concreto he estado en una revista en la que me encargaba de escribir artículos, entrevistas, ir a eventos y hacer algunas tareas de edición.

Además, desde la organización, tanto en Madrid como en Pekín han estado muy pendientes de nosotros y dispuestos a ayudarnos en lo que fuera. Vamos, no tengo ningún pero salvo que tengo fotos para llenar tres álbumes y que ya lo echo mucho de menos aunque no ha pasado ni un mes desde que me fui. Eso sí, al menos me consuelo viendo fotos.

During my time at university I thought ahead about travelling abroad after graduating. I knew I would have completed my studies by September 2014 so I felt that would be the perfect time to embark upon this experience working in China. I wanted the opportunity to learn Mandarin and experience the working and cultural environment of one of the fastest growing economies in the world.

Whilst working in Beijing as a legal intern I have primarily been based in the Trademark department of a leading intellectual property law firm.

As I approach the end of my internship in Beijing I can safely say it has definitely been a truly amazing experience. I have had the opportunity to meet so many great people, participate in various social and cultural activities and work in one of the most important countries in the global economy.

Having just graduated from university, I wanted to take a year out to get some life experience before heading back to the books for a Masters. CRCC appealed to me as it was a chance to travel and also to get valuable international work experience in a sector I wish to work with in the future. I decided to take part in the one month internship program in Beijing and chose to work in the NGO/Charity sector. I was given a company which works with economics/environmental protection. Due to this internship in Beijing, I have been inspired to take this topic into further education.

I think that will be what I miss the most, constantly experiencing something new. This is a chance to do something different which will open many more doors than you think! Research well, and come prepared to make the most of your time. Beijing has a whole load of things to offer and you don’t want to miss a thing!

10 results shows out of 423