Intern Reviews

Intern Reviews

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“I am currently working at Bluestar AMG in Shanghai, which deals with setting up expatriates with finance and investment solutions. I am working on creating an investment spread sheet to calculate the growth of a 25 year investment they are working with.”

“Shanghai is a very vibrant city, with a good nightlife – very different to back home.”

“I think my internship in Shanghai will give me a huge bonus with companies back home and the contacts I have made here will be useful. This experience will give me an advantage when applying for jobs.”


“I work at the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales in Beijing. My tasks so far include looking at three stock exchanges around China, and researching how they have got to where they are and presented my findings.”

“Last night I went to see the Chinese Acrobatics Show which was amazing. The nightlife here is immense and I have enjoyed it all but the Summer Palace has been the best thing so far.”

“è stata un’esperienza molto entusiasmante fino ad adesso, ho avuto modo di collaborare con la responsabile delle Risorse umane dell’asia pacifico, sono state delle settimane molto importanti,mi hanno dato una grossa chance,è stata un’esperienza molto importante a livello internazionale. Queta penso he può essere un esperienza molto motivante per noi nuove generazioni perchè vi può dare la possibilità di fare un esperienza all’estero in diversi settori, vi può dare la possibilità di conoscere nuove culture, nuovi ambienti.”

“Hi I am Thomas McBride, I have a Bachelor Degree of Finance from Heriot-Watt University, I have been doing the CRCC Asia one month Internship in Shanghai, with program in Finance. I have been working in an investment banking and financial advisory company. I’ve really enjoyed my time in China, I’ve been working on really meaningful projects, one of our clients is a manufacturing client with an upcoming IPO. I got the chance to reach out to private investors to see if they would like to come on board with the investment. It was a really great experience to put on my CV.”

One of the most critical aspects of any business is understanding the market. With China’s increasing involvement in the global economy, living and working in the city’s capital is an invaluable experience. During my internship in Beijing, I worked at a financial research company that focused on the financial services industry. I learned about new trends in China weeks before they would make headlines in the United States. I learned about banking strategy, financial technology, and just how different life is internationally. The ability to provide first-hand insights to the world’s fastest-growing market has made me more confident moving forward in my career. I recommend CRCC Asia to all of my peers.

Participating in the CRCC Asia China Finance Course was a highly fascinating, stimulating and rewarding experience! I really enjoyed every single bit of my internship in Beijing! From exciting and memorable site-seeing adventures, to mouth-watering Chinese cuisines and jaw-dropping acrobatic shows. The programme was packed with lots of fun!

Above all, I learnt so much about China’s financial and economic development, engaged in Chinese business skills workshop and networked with market-leading professionals from various financial sector. A particular highlight for me was going on a site visit to Taikang Life (one of China’s major insurance companies) and observing the daily operations of the company’s risk management team. What was truly remarkable about the China Finance Course was the fact that other participants came from diverse academic background with varying level of financial knowledge and different areas of interest within the financial sector; this created a wonderful platform for us to share valuable and interesting views about finance in general. In deed, this experience has greatly strengthened my passion for international finance and corporate work!

Thank you CRCC Asia!

10 results shows out of 36