Intern Reviews

Intern Reviews

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I didn’t really know what to expect from my internship in Beijing. However after reflecting on my two months there, I wish it could have lasted a little longer. The internship itself was great because you are exposing yourself to a completely different business culture compared to the western world, and being able to adapt to such an environment is a unique and rewarding experience.

I definitely feel more culturally aware too, and have a much greater appreciation for Chinese culture. What I loved most about Beijing is the immense variety it provides, be it food or just things to do every day. For instance in my two months, I went from visiting the Summer Palace and Great Wall, to munching on deep-fried scorpion at the night market. Plus it’s an added bonus that you don’t have to break the bank in order to do these things.

I would highly recommend the internship program with CRCC Asia.

I achieved a degree at The School of the Art Institute, Chicago, Illinois. I did an internship in Beijing through CRCC Asia during June and August last year in architecture with spatial practice.

I was one of the first interns that received an internship with an architectural company. My experience there was fantastic. I applied to the program because I know that China is a market where architectural practice is emerging and growing. Due to their economy, I knew there were opportunities to see old, new and developing architecture in the country. The fact that the World’s Expo 2010 was held in Shanghai only added to the punch.

The revolution of architecture is on its brink. The melding of current technology and the ideas of sustainability are pushing architecture into realms of many possibilities. China and its rise of architecture development is why I chose to be a part of CRCC Asia. The spatial practice internship put me on the front lines of observing and experiencing this boom in design development. I was part of a great team that allowed me to test my skills and abilities, while applying them in architectural discourse. The internship was only supported by the many CRCC Asia activities that immersed me in the Chinese culture. I am proud of the work that I accomplished while also maintaining a business network and creating many new friends. My whole experience expanded my vision as a student, designer, and traveller. If I had the chance, I would do it all over again.

My experience during my internship helped me foster great personal and professional relationships with the people I met. The Guanxi I experienced was of the highest order. I would love to return to China now I have graduated, I will be sending my resume and applying to many firms in the area. I will also be sending my application to firms here in the states and my experience in China is at the top of my resume.

The CRCC Asia internship has provided me with the necessary tools in furthering my career. Not only do I work along side talented, international, professionals, but with my placement I have been able to narrow down my career choice and am in the process for looking for the best job.

My cultural experiences in China have broadened my view of the world. I tried reading about the Chinese culture but after living here, it was nothing I could have ever imagined. It pushed my comfort level, and although I had my “bad China days”, as the ex-pats call it, I have taken these experiences with me and will apply them towards my future.

This internship in Shanghai was a valuable experience that has changed my outlook on life and China.

We all know that China leads the world in terms of Software/Hardware manufacturing. How often have you purchased an electronic product and checked out the country of manufacturing. I bet 95 percent of the time it will be “Made in China”.

After completing my Masters in Computer Security from the University of Birmingham, I was looking for a break into the IT Security Industry when I came across the CRCC Asia program. At first I was a bit skeptical about working in China, but I took a chance anyway knowing that I would be getting firsthand experience into the Chinese technology market.

My internship in Shanghai was with a visual arts company with its headquarters in Brisbane, Australia. Skysoul Pty Ltd deals with graphics animation, mobile games/application and concept art. My company provided me with a friendly, supporting and welcoming environment and I was fortunate to get a cool boss who not only guided me in every step and made sure I settled in the company well but he also tailored my internship as per my career goals. I joined them as a Mobile Application/Games Engineer and later shifted to handling the IT Security Infrastructure of the company as this is where my interests were.

During my internship, I learned the ethics and the business culture inChina. My main duties were to analyze the working environment of my company and proposing the requirements of the IT infrastructure to match the International Industry Standards. During this time, I had to short list different vendors for our IT resources, inspect their products, finalize and recommend the best ones amongst them. Apart from this, I also developed and documented the company’s Security Policy & Procedures Manual. My internship gave me a taste of the professional life of an IT Security Professional.

Apart from the professional life, Shanghai has so much to offer in terms of leisure and fun. Every day here is an adventure in itself. From the vast variety of cuisines offered at ridiculously low prices to the most posh and high end clubs located in the magnificent and beautiful architectural skylines at the Bund. I’ve had a great time here. Shanghai attracts professionals from all over the world which allowed me to make friends from diverse cultures.

Initially, I came here thinking I will be here for about 2 months, but to my surprise, after my performance evaluation by the company, I was offered a full time position as the company’s IT Security Architect. This has opened up a whole new world of opportunities which expands to horizons beyond borders. I am currently working in Shanghai and my adventures here have just begun.

It was in the context of the Australian Federal Government releasing its White Paper on Australia in the Asian Century that I decided to apply for an internship in Beijing, China through CRCC Asia. The paper highlights Asia’s transformation into the economic engine-room of the world, and the opportunities that this affords to Australia. The most significant player in this shift is China; the region’s largest economy and Australia’s biggest trading partner. In deciding to take the internship opportunity through CRCC Asia, I reasoned that in this environment having work experience in China would be viewed favourably by prospective employers. I also decided that the cultural and social experience of living in Beijing for a month made this opportunity much more attractive than doing an internship at home in Australia.

Overall I had an unforgettable experience in Beijing and look forward to returning. I would strongly recommend the CRCC Asia internship program to any student.

I primi giorni in cui parenti e amici mi chiedevano “com’è Shanghai?” la mia risposta era sempre “caldissima”. A chi oggi, dopo due mesi trascorsi qui, mi pone la stessa domanda posso dare una risposta diversa.

Quando arrivi a Shanghai l’impatto è notevole, ti ritrovi catapultato in un mondo totalmente diverso da quello della tua quotidianità. Grazie alle persone con cui ho condiviso queste esperienza e alla grande disponibilità dello staff di CRCC Asia ho familiarizzato molto velocemente con la città e ho iniziato subito a scoprire le meraviglie che offre.

Insomma, la mia risposta alla domanda “com’è Shanghai” alla luce della mia esperienza non può che essere: una città in continuo fermento, che offre davvero tante opportunità ai giovani che hanno voglia di mettersi alla prova e in cui c’è sempre qualcosa di nuovo da scoprire.

Grazie alla mia università ho conosciuto gli stage di CRCC Asia ed ho deciso di partire per la Cina. A spingermi verso questa decisione è stata soprattutto la necessità di arricchire il mio curriculum ed il mio bagaglio culturale.

Mi sento molto arricchita da quest’esperienza, mi sono confrontata con persone con un background completamente diverso dal mio. E’ stata un’esperienza forte ed unica, e nel mio caso ha influito anche sui miei progetti futuri. Sono veramente soddisfatta della mia esperienza in Cina e non vedo l’ora di tornarci!

I found out about the CRCC Asia Internship Program through an email I received via my university’s careers department. Usually I’d scroll through or delete these emails, however upon further reading I realised that this was an opportunity not to be missed – working and living in China! Understanding that in an increasingly competitive graduate job market it is important to stand out from the crowd I knew that this would provide me with the chance to do just that.

The CRCC Asia internship in Shenzhen has definitely been the most valued thing I have taken part in. One of the main advantages of the internship is that it makes me stand out from the crowd when applying for jobs – for most employers it is the most intriguing part of my CV. It has provided me with a great professional and social experience unrivalled by any other programme and I would recommend it to anyone.

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