Intern Reviews

Intern Reviews

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“I worked at Christie’s Auction House and was directly involved in all aspects of the one of their biannual auctions. Work tasks included implementation of the auction, PR, advertising and being knowledgeable about the works of art, their expected value and the price they actually sold for.”

“The social events that CRCC put on were absolutely amazing – the Welcome Banquet was great, and KTV was amazing – the acrobatics show was definitely amazing too. All the things we organised ourselves, CRCC was more than willing to give us hints and tips on what to do or see.”

“My internship in Shanghai 100% affected everything – I am doing my dissertation on the luxury market in China. I gained a huge insight working at Christie’s with my primary research being aided by my colleagues from there. If I hadn’t done this internship, I would know which direction to be heading in.”

“I worked at the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai, where I liaised between business that are starting up and already established in Shanghai and integrating themselves into the Chinese market. I also helped coordinate events and attend networking events.”

“The Bund is a fantastic place to go in Shanghai – especially if you can get into the bars (e.g. Bar Rouge) as you get a fantastic view of the skyline.”

“I chose CRCC Asia because China is all about who you know, not what you know, so my placement was perfect. I made contact and networked with important people and got my name across. I am still in contact with the people I worked with at the Spanish Chamber, and on my behalf are sending my CV throughout their network. I plan to return to Shanghai in the next few weeks and am hoping to secure a job.”

“I worked in a Chinese marketing company called Imagine Displays for two months in 2010. Imagine Displays branded German and US company products in Beijing. I also helped with the website and assisted the Director with organising and attending business meetings.”

“CRCC Asia was fantastic at organising events ranging from dinner to nights out to theatre shows – the support they gave us was every minute of the day. Their local knowledge was more than enough to make it an amazing experience.”

“I found the office culture really similar to London, but when you go out to the business meetings you recognise the differences in business culture.”

“I worked for a global company called Auditoire, which was originally a French company that is operating in Beijing. My tasks included things such as research projects – a client would come in and I would create a mood board for their event, and I also went to hotels which was good for networking.”

“Beijing is an amazing city – my favourite place is the Summer Palace. I recommend everyone to go there!”

“The activities planned by CRCC Asia whilst I was in China and even now I am back home are really beneficial. They are really well organised so you can relax and just get to know the other interns.”

“Il mio ruolo, come business development intern, è quello di approcciare i nuovi clienti, principalmente all’expo ovvero alle fiere che settimanalmente si tengono a Shanghai. Dopo le exibition torno in ufficio e con email, telefonate ed ogni altro tipo di mezzo di comunicazione cerchiamo di metterci in contatto con i clienti per potenziali collaborazioni future, oltre che cercare di espandere il network dell’agenzia.

Le cose che ho apprezzato di più del vivere a lavorare in Cina sono sicuramente il grosso numero di opportunità che si possono avere dentro e fuori al contesto lavorativo, la velocità con cui tutto si muove e il fatto che l’azienda dove ho effettuato lo stage mi ha subito dato grande responsabilità, permettendomi di interagire con aziende multinazionali e colossi cinesi, una cosa che in Italia non sarebbe mai accaduta.

Credo che quest’esperienza con CRCC Asia in Cina, nello specifico Shanghai, garantirà grandissimo risalto al mio CV, inoltre con questo stage ho sensibilmente migliorato le mie abilità nel business ed ho allargato in maniera decisiva il mio network lavorativo, confrontandomi con persone da cui imparare e con cui, perchè no, collaborare in futuro.”

“Studio ingegneria gestionale al politecnico di Milano e sono a Shanghai per fare uno stage con CRCC Asia. Lavoro con la SourceCo che è una compagnia Australiana con sede a Shanghai. quetsa compangnia vende pannelli solari. ho dovuto fare delle ricerche di mercato e ho dovuto cercare nuovi prodotti per l’azienda. stiamo organizzando dei fogli informativi.

Nella mia esperienza lavorativa in cina ho lavorato con persone cinesi che sanno bene l’inglese. Questo Stage mi ha aiutato perchè mi ha dato una visione del lavoro che andrò a fare, CRCC Asia mi ha permesso di essere inserito in un’contesto internazionale anche perchè sono stato immerso in una culura complatamente diversa da quella Italiana e ho dovuto ogni girono confrontarmicon questa realtà.”

Interning in Tokyo with the help of CRCC Asia has been an incredible experience that cannot be missed. The full support from the CRCC Asia team has make this international internship easier and more enjoyable. This internship in Tokyo definitely pushed me out of my comfort zone and allowed me to explore the limits of nature by exceeding expectations. I was able to demonstrate my intellectual ambitions- as a consultant, a data analyst, a market researcher- with the opportunities this internship has presented to me. I have gained so much from this trip: resilience, self-confidence, cultural understanding, and transferable skills. It has been a steep and thrilling learning curve and definitely a major step towards fulfilling my career aspirations. Working in a global environment has been a challenging yet rewarding experience and will definitely give me a competitive edge in today’s job market.


Interning abroad in Shenzhen through CRCC Asia has taught me the importance of networking and being able to sell myself as an asset. Therefore, one of the most important aspects of the experience was my ability to build a professional network of contacts all over Shenzhen as well as other parts of China. Efficiently leveraging this network will help me during my post-graduation career search. Though I may decide not to seek a career in China, many of my new network contacts have other connections all over the world. So, doors may be opened to things and places I never dreamed possible.

10 results shows out of 105