Intern Reviews

Intern Reviews

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I was impressed in the manner CRCC Asia manage their interns by providing social and cultural activities. This assists the interns to meet new people both local and international, especially in a foreign environment this is a vital aspect in making the experience all the more enjoyable.

The CRCC Asia team responds to all queries almost immediately and addresses problems to the best of their capabilities. I was in the legal industry for my internship in Beijing; I found that my internship placement allowed me to network on an international scale with reputable legal associates and exposed me to future job placement opportunities.

Overall, I had a blast and it is a great way to kick start ones career whilst experiencing a vibrant culture and sights.

I have long had an interest in China, to the extent that I opted to take Mandarin as a first year subsidiary module. As a psychology student I saw CRCC Asia as a way to broaden my horizons in terms of work experience (I was a legal intern) as well as exploring a culture that seemed so different to mine. I chose Beijing for its history, culture and the chance to practice my beginner’s level Mandarin. After only a week I came to regret my decision to spend only a month, wishing I could stay for longer.

China is without a doubt one of the fastest growing economies of our time. I would definitely recommend that such an opportunity to be put amidst China’s elaborate and fast paced economy and to experience first hand with CRCC Asia what it’s like not only living but working in China should be grabbed quickly. There really is nothing like it.

My first impression of Beijing was ‘freezing’ and I thanked mum aloud for making me wear all my coats on the plane to save space in my luggage. The more I looked around the more I fell in love with the busy, sing-song atmosphere (you were learn very quickly that singing aloud whilst waltzing down the street is perfectly normal… the Chinese love to sing!).

I have made friends from all over Australia and New Zealand who I still keep in contact with and plan to visit this year. I can’t stress enough that my internship in Beijing is one of the most amazing experiences I have ever encountered. Chinese culture is not something that can be put into words; it is something that must be experienced first-hand.

What is your name, age, educational background, and professional industry?
My name is Stacey Giunta, I am 20 years old and I am currently a fourth year student at the University of Western Australia. I’m studying Law and Arts, with a major in French.

What program are you doing with CRCC Asia?
I am doing the one-month Internship in Beijing, China. I am interning at a law firm.

Do you have any final impressions of CRCC Asia that you would like to add?

So far, my experience of interning in Beijing would not have been possible without the guidance, organisation and reassurance that CRCC has provided. The team have surpassed my expectations and I would recommend everyone considering travelling to China for an internship to go with CRCC!

Sono arrivata un mese fa a Shanghai e già dal primo momento mi sono resa conto che un mese non sarebbe bastato. E oggi, a un paio di giorni dalla mia partenza, la sensazione è esattamente la stessa.

Ho lavorato in un ufficio legale che si chiama ALLSTAR International e mi sono trovata molto bene. I colleghi sono stati gentili –anche se all’inizio fanno un po’ fatica a dare confidenza- e ho scoperto molte cose interessanti. Gli avvocati internazionali mi hanno fatto partecipare ai meeting e anche a un paio di business dinner grazie a cui ho avuto modo di conoscere più da vicino certe dinamiche di affari. Ho svolto attività abbastanza varie, ricerche, meeting, revisione di contratti e nelle ultime settimane ho aiutato due ragazzi cinesi a preparare l’interview per una scuola americana. L’ambiente è stato stimolante e sereno.

La mia esperienza di due mesi a Pechino con CRCC Asia è stata molto significativa e mi ha dato l’opportunità di mettermi alla prova sotto molteplici aspetti, rendendomi più sicura di me e delle mie capacità.

Indubbiamente alloggiare nello stesso residence con gli altri stagisti di CRCC Asia ha rappresentato un forte fattore di coesione, tanto che con alcuni di loro ho stretto una sincera amicizia.

Questa esperienza internazionale con CRCC Asia mi ha arricchita e mi ha aiutata a confrontarmi con luoghi, individui e situazioni diverse, saggiando più volte il mio spirito di adattamento. Grazie a questo, ritengo di aver acquisito una mentalità più aperta, ricettiva e pronta ad affrontare le sfide.

For my internship in Beijing, China, I worked at an international law firm. I worked during the summer after graduating from my undergrad and before starting law school. My responsibilities in the law firm were more business based given my business background and included conducting market research and sector analysis as well as researching and outlining legal procedures for use in analyzing potential joint ventures,international filings and proceedings.

I really enjoyed my internship in China and I highly recommend CRCC Asia as an internship program. I was very pleased with the staff as well as the level of support I received. I think the program has provided me with a great network as well as many friends who I am still in touch with. It was a great experience culturally, professionally and socially and well worth the investment of time and money.

Quando ho sentito che CRCC Asia e la mia università stavano cercando stagisti ho colto l’opportunità al volo ed ho fatto richiesta per poter partecipare. Per noi australiani la Cina è il partner commerciale più importante al mondo, quindi ritengo fondamentale acquisire una buona conoscenza del mondo degli affari cinese, e soprattutto del cinese mandarino, e CRCC Asia mi sta dando questa opportunità.

Penso che alla mia età sia molto importante fare un’esperienza simile, sia per le prospettive di lavoro che per lo sviluppo personale. Per me quest’esperienza di stage in Cina è stata indimenticabile, non perdete quest’opportunità!

“My experience with CRCC Asia was an once in a life-time experience. I was placed in Shenzhen which is a beautiful modern city of China. Cultural shock was very apparent, but the CRCC Asia team both on the ground and back in San Francisco were so helpful with adjusting to a different country.

During my time in China, not only was my perspective of international relations broadened, but I was also able to gain real experience internationally to make myself more marketable in a competitive market. I’m thankful for the internship in Shenzhen experience and I hope to travel back to China soon!”

During my time at university I thought ahead about travelling abroad after graduating. I knew I would have completed my studies by September 2014 so I felt that would be the perfect time to embark upon this experience working in China. I wanted the opportunity to learn Mandarin and experience the working and cultural environment of one of the fastest growing economies in the world.

Whilst working in Beijing as a legal intern I have primarily been based in the Trademark department of a leading intellectual property law firm.

As I approach the end of my internship in Beijing I can safely say it has definitely been a truly amazing experience. I have had the opportunity to meet so many great people, participate in various social and cultural activities and work in one of the most important countries in the global economy.

10 results shows out of 59