Intern Reviews

Intern Reviews

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Dopo la laurea in giurisprudenza ho scelto di intraprendere un’esperienza di stage e studio del cinese a Pechino per acquisire nuove competenze e mettere in pratica quelle già acquisite durante i miei studi in un contesto internazionale e altamente competitivo. Penso che al giorno d’oggi avere sul proprio curriculum un’esperienza lavorativa di questo tipo sia l’unico modo per potersi distinguere dagli altri ragazzi che come me hanno concluso il loro percorso di studi.

Consiglio quest’esperienza a chiunque sia disposto a mettersi in gioco e ad affrontare grandi cambiamenti, perché è anche a questo che si va incontro quando si sceglie di passare un periodo di tempo in una Paese come la Cina. Pur non essendo una permanenza di lunga durata si sta rivelando davvero molto intensa!

La Cina è un paese meraviglioso che merita di essere scoperto. Scegliere un’esperienza simile arricchisce non soltanto il curriculum ma anche la propria persona.

Sono tornato a Taranto da Shanghai da circa una settimana, anche se mi sarei fermato un altro mese in Cina.
Sono rimasto molto soddisfatto da questa esperienza, anche se i primi giorni sono stati un po’ traumatici. Ho scelto di fare uno stage in Cina a Shanghai con CRCC Asia perché pensavo mi potesse portare un vantaggio dal punto di vista professionale e perchè mi serviva un’esperienza lavorativa importante sul mio cv al di fuori dall’ Europa nel mio settore di studi. Così ho scelto la Cina.

E’ stato un mese stupendo anche perché ho stabilito delle relazioni stupende, delle amicizie che dureranno nel tempo.
Grazie CRCC Asia!

Living in Shenzhen was the most enjoyable, challenging and fun two months I could possibly have asked for. It was a unique experience, from the workplace to becoming immersed into Chinese culture, and I have definitely gained valuable legal skills from working abroad in a Chinese and International firm. I worked at Dacheng Law Offices, a firm which has recently merged with Dentons, and not only gained an insight into the Chinese legal sphere but also became part of its community.

My internship in Shenzhen, China has given me a new perspective on working and living abroad, and has enabled me to become more acquainted with Chinese business culture.

I truly enjoyed my time living in Shenzhen and would encourage anyone who wants an adventure, and who wants to embrace a culture different from their own, to rise to the challenge and intern abroad.

My internship in Shanghai took place in a Chinese Law firm with large aspirations, which in my eyes was the perfect place for me. As an aspiring lawyer, the lack of a huge chain of command meant I could interact with the firm’s managing partner and work closely with him which cannot be said for interns in most law firms. I gained a great insight into the Chinese legal community, business culture and etiquette. I also gained a valuable insight into the Chinese language, which I am continuing to learn now I am home. The work I handled varied from tasks such as proof reading and translation of documents for international clients, to finding answers to complex legal situations and advising clients on them, all of which looks great on your CV!

I would certainly never have had the amazing experience I did without the CRCC team and the CRCC Asia experience is one I would recommend to anyone.

I would highly recommend Internship in Beijing with CRCC Asia as they provide a fantastic experience including business seminars and cultural events. It was also really nice to get to know the staff who work in China – they are all really nice and very supportive. It’s great that they pick you up from the airport, get to know you at banquets and networking events, and are always available on WeChat! I feel the whole process from initial application to post-internships support has made me a much more confident person this has certainly made my TC applications really stand out! Thank you!

Andrea viene da Sassari e a Luglio è partito per Shanghai con il China Internship Program di CRCC Asia. Ha svolto uno stage di 3 mesi nel settore Legale, esperienza che gli è piaciuta molto e chi gli ha aperto un mondo nuovo e un modo diverso di vedere le cose. Infatti non esclude di tornare in Cina a lavorare. Ha frequentato anche le attività aggiuntive organizzate da CRCC Asia e le ha trovate molto interessanti. Ha creato un ottimo network, ha infatti definito il capitolo delle relazioni umane “davvero speciale”, avendo creato ottimi rapporti di amicizia con i ragazzi italiani, che spera di continuare a vedere anche ora che è tornato in Italia. La vita di tutti i giorni infatti è completamente diversa da quella a Shanghai “sempre accelerata, in prima linea, facevamo qualsiasi cosa ci venisse proposta”. Dal punto di vista lavorativo e personale crede che avrebbe dovuto rischiare di più e optare per un percorso diverso da quello intrapreso, molto coerente con i suoi studi.

Working in an international environment has given me more perspective in relation to the way businesses operate and the importance of networking. I’ve been able to improve on my Chinese language skills and I was able to leverage my experience in China to get my foot through the door in corporate law back home. Working in a Chinese firm, I felt like the environment had a very communal feel – everyone was there to look after each other. Don’t be afraid to talk to people – especially your colleagues. Everyone wants to get to know you so if you approach them and say hi – they can show you around and it’s so much more fun to have friends at work.

The staff at CRCC Asia were helpful in terms of suggesting a location and informed me that Shenzhen was a good location for those involved in the legal sector. I applied for my own visa through the Chinese embassy in Ireland as I did not want to send my passport abroad. I was assisted by CRCC Asia in obtaining a letter of invitation from my host company etc. CRCC Asia never hesitated to telephone if you requested and they tried to help in any way they could. I would particularly praise some of the staff who helped me when I had an issue with flights and the travel agent wanted me to pay more money!
My internship in Shenzhen, China was unbelievable and one month was not enough for me. The independence was a great new experience and the fact that it was in a place so alien to me, made it ten times more valuable. I feel like I gained a lot in that one month and I am more confident now in terms of travelling and living alone etc. I would strongly advise anyone considering a CRCC Asia programme to do it!

The assistance CRCC Asia provided for me throughout the whole process was invaluable. Their assistance ranged from providing a full pack of Shenzhen essentials such as a topped up chinese SIM card and a Shenzhen metro card, which are very important for daily life. They also provided a great introductory meeting which provided a valuable insight into Chinese culture and the nuances and differences compared to life in the UK, while also highlighting important concepts such as Guanxi and Mianzi. The leaving ceremony was also very informative, with tips on how to work in China in the future as an expat. Internship in Shenzhen through CRCC Asia has been a fabulous and enlightening experience for me. I was able to immerse myself in a completely different culture, visit exquisite surroundings (such as Zhuhai, Macau and Hong Kong) and the chance to experience life working for a Chinese law firm was invaluable and will stand me in great stead for my future career. Therefore, I highly recommend this program

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