Intern Reviews

Intern Reviews

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CRCC Asia not only enhanced my business skills but also helped round me as a more adept and cultural individual. Spending my days in the office was a pleasure, as I was surrounded by professionals that welcomed me with open hands. The work was interesting and the environment as warm and friendly as could be.

I couldn’t have enjoyed my leisure time more, hanging with other interns from across the globe. We kicked back together at night and went sight seeing to the most magnificent places during the day.

Internship in Beijing through CRCC Asia will with out a doubt be an experience you will never forget.

Going to Beijing via the CRCC Asia program did not only give a great cultural experience but also gave me a great social experience, I met so many wonderful people in China and also other interns on the programs. Thus far, it was one of the best holidays and internship in Beijing I’ve ever had. CRCC Asia was recommended by a friend of mine, going to China was very important for me because I am a Law with Chinese student at the University of Portsmouth I thought I’d broaden and polish my experience and language skills in China.

The level 3 intensive Chinese course was very helpful as it helped me practice my Chinese whilst communicating with the locals. The teachers were very friendly and the environment was comfortable to work in.

On the other hand, working in a Law firm gave me a lot of exposure, I met a lot of big international clients I wouldn’t have even thought I would meet in my life time. I attended meetings, ran errands and had to do a lot of research for the firm which made me more curious about Investments and Finance in the legal sector.

Aside from learning and working, I visited a lot of tourist attractions in Beijing which was extremely mind blowing. I also traveled to Shanghai and Qingdao which was also mind blowing.

The CRCC Asia apartments were very convenient and spacious with amazing views overlooking Guomao, where you find the most beautiful skyscrapers in the world such as the world trade centre, CCTV building etc. The area we lived in was also tourist friendly, the food was amazing and affordable.

Overall, I had an amazing experience and plan on having another trip to China.

I came across an e-mail circulating in my University offering a summer internship program in China. As I was always curious about the Chinese work environment and culture, I sent in my resume without much hesitation, hoping to gain some invaluable experiences.

I arrived in July for a one month summer internship in Beijing organised by CRCC. I still remember the thoughts running through mind during my flight: ‘Is anyone picking me up from the airport?’; ‘How am I going to overcome the cultural differences?’; ‘Will I be able to make friends there?’ etc. Overwhelmed with curiosity, the warm welcome of CRCC’s staff at the arrival gate begins my delightful journey of experience.

Arriving 3 days before my internship, I was given ample time to settle down. CRCC’s staff swiftly settled me in by introducing me to the other interns and providing all of us with a welcome package which includes a detailed map of Beijing, a sim card with value, a Chinese translated pronunciation booklet, a detailed address of our service apartment and office, contacts of their staff and many more! Having settled in so quickly, the other interns and I decided to explore Tian’an Men and the Forbidden City. Our first attempt to take the subway was made easy and smooth with the help of the friendly Chinese people there.

On my first day of work, a CRCC staff took me to my office and introduced me to my supervising solicitor and buddy. My buddy spent an hour of her precious time to share with me their firm’s core values, needs and goals. Afterwhich she took me for a tour around the office and introduced me to the other lawyers. In no time, I felt like I was part of the firm and not merely just an intern. I was kept busy on most days; I assisted my buddy with research, translation and drafting. One of the main deal that I had assisted in was in relation to a mining investment in Zimbabwe. As most of the new rules and regulations set out by the governmental bodies in Zimbabwe were in English, I realised how incomprehensive those translated information were made available for the Chinese lawyers and investors.

Despite working full-time on weekdays, I still manage to make time to do some sightseeing. I managed to step foot on the Great Wall of China, explored the New Summer Palace, walked into the excavation site of Emperor Wanli’s tomb (Dingling) within the Ming Dynasty Tomb, visited The Temple of Heaven and even took a flight down to Xi’an to see the Terracotta Warriors. Apart from sightseeing, I did not miss out on the opportunity to catch a Chinese Opera and visit some of the local markets where I got to do serious bargaining with the shop owners. Due to time constraint, I only managed to go to the ‘must-go’ places, tasted the ‘must-try’ dish.

All in all, it was a well spent internship in China. I would definitely recommend people to visit China and/or apply for a summer internship. What I took back from this internship experience was amazing. Thank you CRCC for giving me this opportunity!

I decided to invest into my future career by applying for the internship in Shanghai in order to expand on my knowledge and learn from the booming economy. I was very happy with the employer selection and its business scope.

I worked for a top leading executive search firm which offered me a position in Hong Kong. However, I decided to return to Europe and gain more working experience. Before my departure I teamed up with one of the Interns and helped one Shanghai based company to expand to Europe.

The events organised by the CRCC Asia team allowed me to meet many positive and ambitious people with who I stay in touch until today. Although staying in Shanghai 2 months I did not have time to travel around. For me it was not holiday but a working experience that would help me to understand the Chinese culture, meet new people, gain experience and develop my future career.

I have been hosting CRCC Asia’s internship in Shanghai for over 3 years to date. My cooperation with CRCC Asia started while I was working at Shanghai Expat, an online advertising platform now owned by Ringier AG. I recently moved to City Weekend, China’s leading English-language lifestyle and entertainment magazine and website (also owned by Ringier AG).

As most of the CRCC Asia interns are from the top tier of students in top universities from all over the world; I was keen to continue my cooperation with them. The service CRCC Asia provides is very helpful to our organization and we look forward to working with them for the foreseeable future.

Since completing my university degree, majoring in Asia Pacific Community Development I have wanted to gain experience working in this region with a wide range of professionals. I was able to achieve this through my valuable internship in Beijing, China with CRCC Asia. My internship allowed me to develop essential experience and skills needed for my future goals and career path.

Not only was I able to develop experience professionally I also grew in self-confidence. I realised I was able to work internationally in a challenging environment where I was able to learn a lot about myself and my personal potential as an international employee.

My internship also enabled me to meet many people from all around the world where I was able to gain networks and create lasting friendships that made my time in Beijing very rewarding and special.

Through my internship I was able to learn new skills and work alongside inspirational people, which in my case was a new and upcoming social enterprise unique to China called We-Impact. I was grateful for such an opportunity as it is something that I would not have experienced in Australia.

Living as an everyday Beijinger also allowed me to experience Chinese culture and society. Exploring Beijing was eye opening, however a great opportunity to live in the exciting hustle and bustle of one of the world’s biggest cities.

Although working in China is a challenging experience the rewards from such a challenge are invaluable; a CRCC Asia internship is a unique stepping stone to any professional’s future career path.

I was given the opportunity to undergo the two week CRCC Asia Business and Finance Course and a six week internship in Shanghai with deVere Group which is a financial consultancy firm specialising in offshore accounts for expatriates in China. Arriving by myself in Shanghai was very daunting however once I got my luggage and came through customs the CRCC Asia banner was the first thing I saw which immediately comforted me.

We were then taken to the Rayfont apartments which were so modern with massive bedrooms and a living room and most importantly a fairly decent gym. The first two weeks consisted of the Business and Finance Course; the first week being in Shanghai and the second Beijing. Most of our lectures were very informative and overwhelming for me personally as I had never studied finance before in the UK let alone China. However coming back to start a Masters degree in International Finance it was very eye-opening and beneficial.

My advise for anyone travelling to Shanghai is definitely do it, don’t even doubt it, the experiences were so amazing and there are so many sightseeing points in Shanghai you will never be bored. The bars are so much nicer than what I am used to especially bar Zeal or Bar Rouge have a terrace overlooking the Bund and being a female and going on ladies nights you will gain free entry and free drink, what more could you ask for. Be careful of the street food although I would definitely recommend at least trying it, avoid stinky tofu. is an absolute must and remember you can pre-order for the next morning, absolute life saver. The best advice I can give to you if your missing homemade food is to visit the pancake house, it’s on Sherpas and it does pancakes with syrup, bacon and scrambled eggs. You may need to wait as it is a small cafe however it is so worth it. Also take the subway to the Bund and go to the bottle opener building and you are allowed to go to the 87th floor for free as there is a bar – this is a must as you practically overlook Shanghai. Word of warning, the sooner you get used to the overcrowding in the subways the easier your life will be, it is the Chinese way of life it’s not worth your while getting angry about it. Also avoid red taxis as they are renowned for ripping tourists off. Avoid the ‘tourist tunnel’ at the Bund, it’s a narrow tunnel with a few different coloured lights, very overpriced and underwhelming.

Enjoy your time as when you come back home, you will wish you were still there.

Mi sono avvicinato alla Cina per la prima volta con un certo trasporto guardando le Olimpiadi del 2008, che sono state l’evento televisivo che sicuramente mi ha colpito di piu’ in tutta la mia vita! Prima avevo un’idea un po’ vaga del Paese, stereotipata volendo, di lavoratori senza sosta cresciuti all’ombra di Mao e di un comunismo un po’ ritoccato, e poco altro..poi mi sparano in faccia la nona meraviglia del mondo, e inizio ad aprire occhi e orecchie!!

Non molto dopo ho iniziato a studiare cinese, un po’ per sbaglio un po’ per intenzione, visto che avendo del tempo libero e volendo tenermi occupato quanto piu’ possibile (brutta cosa le rotture con la fidanzata, davvero ) ho deciso di iniziare a studiare una lingua straniera..ero tentato dal gapponese, vista la quantita’ di manga che leggevo all’epoca, ma ho pensato che il cinese mi sarebeb stato piu’ utile e, seppure con qualche riserva, mi sono buttato… tutto per finire la prima lezione con un sorriso stampato in faccia che nemmeno un bambino al suo primo Natale! Amore puro, pur avendo studiato varie lingue il cinese mi ha fatto divertire come mai prima, e allora era deciso: dovevo venire in Cina.

Ma non avevo tempo, non l’universita’ e tutto, come si fa a star via un tempo sufficiente a far valere la pena del costo del biglietto? E allora cerca, spulcia, naviga, chiedi, finche’ ho trovato un sito di una compagnia interessante con la quale passare qualche mese in Cina..

Praticamente stavo cercando la possibilita’ di venire per un periodo abbastanza prolungato, magari con un tirocinio infilato in mezzo, e un mio amico dalla Nuova Zelanda mi passa questa compagnia, CRCC Asia, che a quanto pare organizza di queste cose..poca fiducia all’inizio, vai te a sapere in quanto offrono di queste cose e poi la qualita’ e’ quel che e’, ma con un po’ di ricerca online e il fatto che mi hanno sempre risposto veramente in fretta e in maniera molto professionale sia a email che a telefonate, mi ha fatto tentare..

Ma venendo all’aspetto fondamentale della mia esperienza, CRCC mi ha trovato un tirocinio in una compagnia locale, ed e’ iniziata la mia discesa verso la dipendenza da Cina..nel giro di niente ho deciso di restare qui, e anche grazie all’aiuto di CRCC sono riuscito a trovare qualche buon sito, qualche evento interessante, e ora ho un posto fisso (sebbene stiamo ancora avendo beghe col visto, quello lavorativo e’ una rottura notevole da ottenere) a Shanghai!!

In definitiva, sono partito col piano di restare 3 mesi, fare un’esperienza interessante, e tornare in Italia a studiare dell’altro nella speranza di trovare un lavoretto da qualche parte..e ora ho un lavoro, una fidanzata e il mio primo monolocale in affitto (un bel buco, oserei dire ) a 9000 km da casa!

To describe CRCC Asia in one word, I would use committed.

CRCC Asia is committed to their partners, to their interns, to their work and to their desire to see students from around the world experience China in a safe and effective way.

Since first sending students to China with CRCC Asia in July 2012, our team at the University of Technology, Sydney has been nothing but impressed by the professionalism, dedication and passion that CRCC Asia demonstrates in their internship program and with their interns.

As a university program that sends hundreds of students around the world every year, our priorities are always the safety and value of the experiences. CRCC Asia can be trusted 100% with your students. From beginning to end, CRCC Asia took complete control of the intern experience for our students, allowing us the freedom to know our students were in safe hands before, during and after their experience in China.

We believe CRCC Asia is passionate about allowing students to experience China in all its diversity and opportunity. By providing language lessons, a fantastic social and cultural program and well as internships that are seamlessly matched to our students’ wishes and personal goals, it is obvious that CRCC Asia understands China and is successful in providing an all-round Chinese experience.

From their arrival in China, our students have raved about their experiences, even asking to extend their internship in Beijing because their participation had been so valuable to not only their studies but their future career!

We look forward to a continued partnership with CRCC Asia and a future knowing our students’ eyes will be opened to the endless possibilities in China!

Having achieved the best of my academic abilities so far, I felt that in order to compliment my academic pursuits that I should also undertake practical working experience to maximize everything I have learned. In today’s job market it is not only academia but also putting theory into practice which appeals to employers therefore I had made the decision of making myself more intriguing to future employers by working and living abroad. And where else could this adventure better begin than in China?

It was natural to feel anxious at first but at the prospect of living and working in Shanghai and the realisation that it can really become your reality made it all the more worthwhile. The moment you check-in your luggage at the airport and you then receive your boarding pass to Shanghai, there is no turning back: you are finally on board your own extraordinary voyage.

Part of my voyage was an internship in Shanghai at a Chinese law firm which gave me the opportunity to use the skills I had been taught at university and apply them confidently despite being in a completely different environment. There was nothing to be stressed about as the people in the firm were very welcoming and were interested in my background.

This has definitely been a memorable experience where I have gained a profound insight into Chinese business culture and has made me even more aware of the significance of respecting, appreciating and embracing other cultures. I have thoroughly enjoyed living and working in Shanghai and I would deeply recommend to everyone who wish to submerge themselves into this exciting and innovative world.

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